Hawaii accepting digital proof of vaccination

Flyers to Hawaii from any U.S. airport can now use the digital Clear Health Pass or CommonPass health app to present proof of Covid-19 vaccination.

The new functionality began Monday for CommonPass and last Friday for Clear Health Pass. Both changes followed Hawaii’s cessation on July 8 of mandatory Covid-19 testing for vaccinated travelers. 

Clear Health Pass users can use the mobile app to add their vaccine verification or negative Covid-19 test results. Travelers then go to the Hawaii Safe Travels website to apply for a quarantine exception by linking to the Health Pass. 

The app is able to link to vaccination results from hundreds of vaccine providers and national pharmacies, including Walmart, Atlantic Health System and the state of California. 

Vaccinated CommonPass users departing from a U.S. airport can gain entry to Hawaii if they have a Smart Health Card. The states of California and Louisiana, as well as Walmart and Sam’s Club, have recently made Smart Health Card digital vaccine records available.

“Additional states, pharmacy chains and healthcare providers will be issuing Smart Health Cards in the coming weeks,” CommonPass said. 

The Smart Health Card was developed by the Vaccination Credential Initiative, a group of healthcare and technology providers whose mission is to empower “individuals with digital access to their vaccination records based on open, interoperable standards.”

CommonPass users need to upload their Smart Health Card to the app.

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