Ask the Captain: Did the damaged Boeing 777 have to dump fuel before making emergency landing?

Have you ever dumped fuel because the plane was damaged and had to land as soon as possible? Did the recent damaged Boeing 777 at Denver dump its fuel before emergency landing?

– RG, Asheville, North Carolina

I have never dumped fuel on any flight. Most of the airplanes I flew did not have fuel-dumping capability.

I have not heard if the Boeing 777 that experienced engine failure over Denver dumped fuel or not. Based on the request to return immediately, it is doubtful if they dumped fuel. 

After the engine suffered the uncontained failure, there was a significant vibration which would have encouraged an immediate return and landing. The pilots would have completed the appropriate checklists, reprogrammed the flight management system and then been ready to land. 

United Airlines engine failure on Boeing 777:   What travelers need to know

United Airlines engine failure: FAA orders thermal imaging for fan blades

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