Mums bag £48 Ryanair flights to Ibiza for night out and get back for school run

A pair of mums decided to go on a super fast holiday abroad – and so booked a birthday trip to Ibiza lasting just 24 hours. The duo flew out to the party island for a night out after dropping their kids off at school and returned the next day for the morning school run.

Michelle Tocchini and pal Tanya McElligott, both 38, had taken their kids to school before catching a Ryanair flight and landing in Ibiza at 7pm. They partied until 5am that night and then spent the day sunbathing before flying home at 5pm to Stansted Airport.

The pair managed to get home at 11.30pm in time for a full night’s sleep before getting back to everyday life. Michelle, a beautician, and Tanya, a hairdresser spent October 18 living it up on the Spanish island.

READ MORE: Dad flies to Ibiza for £25 and raves for 24 hours with nothing but Asda carrier bag

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The friends spent just £81 each on flights and accommodation as their Ryanair flights cost just £48 for a return and the hotel cost £33 each including breakfast. Michelle, a single mum-of-two, said: "Our time was so limited, without much childcare, so it worked really well. It was just like going to London for a big night out – but we would have spent more money there without even leaving the UK. I do like doing things spontaneously but my hands are tied more because of my children."

The friends decided to take the trip to celebrate Michelle’s birthday – they had so much fun that they are already planning their next trip to Amsterdam. The mums travelled in one set of clothes with just a handbag each which contained their outfits for their night out.

Michelle said: "I didn't even bring shampoo or washing stuff. I just brought a toothbrush and some trainers, my evening outfit, and underwear for the next day."

They got a cheap bus to Stansted to catch their flight after the morning school run from their homes in Hertford, and arrived in Ibiza after a two-and-a-half-hour journey. Michelle's parents picked her sons up from school and they had a sleepover at their grandparents' house.

Michelle said: "We stayed out late because we knew we weren't leaving until the evening, so we had the whole next day to relax by the pool. Our hotel also served unlimited breakfast until 11:30am which was great."

Michelle and Tanya enjoyed Ibiza’s 26-degree sunshine until their flight the next day. Plus, they loved their short trip as it was childcare-friendly and budget-friendly.

Michelle said: "I'm definitely going to do more of these, it works really well being a parent and not being able to leave the kids for long. They thought it was cool too – when I told my eldest son I was going for a night in Ibiza he high-fived me and said 'you only live once!'."

They got the initial idea for their quick 24-hour trip by reading a news story about someone who did the same. A lot of Brits appear to be heading off on micro-breaks like Andy Armstrong, 63, who spent £25 on a flight to Spanish party island Ibiza and headed out to clubs Ushuaia and Pacha.

Or, Clare Jeffs, 36, and Hannah Brown, 38, from Stockport, Greater Manchester, left their young children at home to sunbathe, dine out and explore the Old Town of Ibiza. The pair spent just 10 hours on the island as they wanted a day out together.

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