Queen Elizabeth will never reveal favourite food while travelling – unlike Princess Diana

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Queen Elizabeth has carried out countless royal tours abroad, both alone and with other members of the Royal Family. Foreign countries, as all travellers know, offer up diverse and exciting cuisine, sometimes of the like not often seen in the UK. Tasting food and drink can be a key part of a state visit as the royals sample local culture.

However, the Queen will often remain silent on the food she likes the most.

In fact, the monarch makes a concerted effort to never divulge her favourite food at all.

The explanation behind this is for a rather savvy reason.

Elizabeth is said to be concerned about what the repercussions will be if others knew what her favourite food is.

This is because hosts on royal tours would likely always serve that food or dish making it nigh-on inescapable.

Gordon Rayner, former royal correspondent for The Telegraph, has covered more than 20 royal tours and discovered this fact from a member of staff.

He said: “As one of her staff told me, ‘If she said she had a favourite meal she would never get served anything else.’”

Princess Diana suffered from this after once revealing her love of poached salmon.

Her last chef Darren McGrady explained hosts started to cook only poached salmon for her.

He told Us Weekly: “About four weeks later, the princess came into the kitchen and she said, ‘Darren, I’m starving. What’s for lunch?’

“And I said, ‘Lunch is almost ready.’

“She said, ‘Oh, please tell me it’s not poached salmon. What is it right now? Everywhere you go, everyone serving poached salmon!’

“And I suddenly thought, ‘Oh my gosh, they’re telling everyone poached salmon.’

“As soon as she’d gone, I called the kitchen and said, ‘She loves chicken, grilled chicken!’”

Of course, some information is known about what Queen Elizabeth is partial to.

McGrady revealed that the monarch loves to eat Dundee cake, even when travelling.

According to The Telegraph: “Even if she’s on a flight at tea time, out will come a cuppa, a Dundee cake, and some scones and clotted cream.“

The monarch is also quite particular when it comes to drinks, too.

Queen Elizabeth would demand Malvern water was brought on board the Royal Yacht Britannia before it was decommissioned in 1997 for use in her tea, claimed author Peter Pigott in his book Royal Transport.

This was just part of the huge selection of luggage the royals brought on board.

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